Small Business and Cybersecurity

Small Business and Cybersecurity 

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, providing jobs and essential services to communities nationwide. However, these businesses are often at risk of cyber attacks, which can significantly impact their operations and financial stability. 

Why Are Small Businesses at Risk for Cyber Attacks?

Small businesses are often an attractive target for cybercriminals because they typically have fewer resources to invest in cybersecurity risk reduction measures. They may also lack the knowledge or expertise to identify and mitigate cyber risks, making them vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, small businesses may need more money to hire dedicated I.T. staff, making it challenging to keep up with the constantly evolving cyber threat landscape.

How Likely Are Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses?

A 2019 National Cyber Security Alliance report states that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses. These attacks represent a significant increase from the previous year and demonstrate the growing threat to small businesses. Cyber attacks can come in many forms, including phishing scams, malware infections, and ransomware attacks. These attacks can devastate small businesses, causing them to lose critical data and suffer significant financial losses.

What Do Cyber Attacks Cost Small Businesses?

The cost of a cyber attack can be significant for small businesses, with some estimates suggesting that the average price of a single attack is around $200,000. This cost includes expenses such as business interruption, loss of revenue, legal fees, and reputational damage. Small businesses may need more financial resources to absorb these costs, which can result in bankruptcy or closure.

What Is the Overall Impact of Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses?

The overall impact of cyber attacks on small businesses can be significant, affecting not only the financial health of the company but also its reputation and customer trust. Cyber attacks can result in the loss of critical data, which can cause irreparable damage to the business's operations. They can also lead to losing customer trust, which can be challenging to regain.

Cyber attacks can also have a significant impact on small business employees. These employees may risk losing their jobs, and the overall effect on the community can be devastating. Small businesses are often an integral part of local economies, and the loss of these businesses can have far-reaching consequences.


Small businesses are essential to our economy, providing jobs and critical services to communities nationwide. However, they are also at risk for cyber attacks, which can significantly impact their operations and financial stability. It is essential for small businesses to invest in cybersecurity measures and to prioritize cyber risk management. By doing so, they can protect their operations, employees, and customers and ensure the long-term sustainability of their businesses.

Jeff Kiple